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Yurii Irkhin, Head of the Department of Psychological Research of KFI, gave a comment to the journalists of one the leading channels

Experts of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine continue cooperation with representatives of the media.

Yurii Irkhin, Head of the Department of Psychological Research of KFI, at the request of journalists of the TV channel “Ukraine” gave a comment on the behavior of people in prison and their adaptive capacities.

The expert of KFI analyzed how the isolation from society and constraints in meeting needs affect a person and can facilitate a person’s re-education with strict regulation of behavior and placement in a closed environment.

“No Law stipulates to create unbearable conditions for convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. A person should feel comfortable and the natural basic needs (biological, physiological, psychological) should be satisfied. The main idea of re-education is an attempt to change the personality and way of thinking of a person from asocial negative thoughts to positive ones. This can be done only in comfortable conditions”, Yurii Irkhin said.

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