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General provisions

Transport and commodity examination is a process of research of rolling stock of rail, water and air transport and their components, carried out by persons (experts) who have special knowledge in the field of commodity science for the above types of transport in order to establish actual data relevant to the case. The subject of transport and commodity examination is the actual data established by the results of a field survey of railway rolling stock, urban and industrial rail transport, water transport facilities, aircraft (aircraft) of all types and purposes and their components and/or study of existing in the materials of the case data. Objects of transport and commodity examination are:

  • technically serviceable rolling stock of railways, urban and industrial rail transport, water transport facilities of all types, aircraft of all types;
  • accidentally damaged rolling stock of railways, urban and industrial rail transport, water transport facilities of all types, aircraft of all types;
  • components of railway rolling stock, urban and industrial rail transport, water transport facilities of all types, aircraft of all types.

Tasks solved by transport and commodity examination

Typical tasks solved by transport and commodity examination include:

  • determination of the market value of the above objects, their components in case of alienation;
  • determining the amount of material damage caused to the owner of the product as a result of damage;
  • determining the value of objects, their components, imported into the customs territory of Ukraine;
  • determining the value of a separate object in the fixed assets of legal entities;
  • determination of the year of manufacture of the object and its components (the issue is solved comprehensively with the involvement of experts of trasology);
  • determination of the completeness and completeness of the object in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation of its manufacturer;
  • determination of type, model, version of the object;
  • classification of the object (its components) in accordance with the Ukrainian classifier of goods of foreign economic activity.

The above list of tasks to be solved during the transport and commodity examination is not exhaustive, in each case, the investigation or court may set tasks that have a narrower focus, such as determining the degree of wear of the component or type of repair required to restore the component.

Features of the purpose of transport and commodity examination
In the general case, the transport and commodity examination is carried out based on the results of visual inspection of the object. In some cases, during the visual inspection of the object may be necessary to conduct a partial disassembly (to improve access to damaged components), as well as to diagnose its main components, especially those to which there are increased requirements for reliability and performance, as well as those that have a limited resource in time or time. Performing this type of inspection requires the use of appropriate specialized equipment. At the time of diagnosis, the equipment must be certified and have documentary evidence of periodic metrological verification (copies of these documents must be provided to an expert). However,

In general, the list of documents required for transport and commodity examination depends on the type of property being assessed.

Thus, when assessing the rolling stock of railways, urban and industrial rail transport, it is necessary to provide the expert with:

  • form (passport) of the product and forms (passports) of its components;
  • act of damage to the rolling stock VU-25M;
  • act on the technical condition of the GU-106 car;
  • duly certified copies of the magazine or extract from the magazine form TU-152, and if necessary, magazines VU-100, DU-2 (DU-3);
  • a duly certified copy of the registration card of the car;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership.

At an estimation of objects of water transport it is necessary to provide at the disposal of the expert:

  • classification certificates;
  • certificates of ownership of weapons;
  • measuring certificates;
  • certificates of examinations and inspection of steel cables before putting them into operation;
  • safety certificates for special purpose vessels;
  • acts of annual inspection of mechanical installations (ship elevators), certificate of anchor, etc .;
  • sanitary logs, ship sanitary certificates;
  • license for the right to use the ship’s radio station and other documents in accordance with the Radio Regulations, etc .;
  • information on the technical condition of the object of study, its completeness and staffing as of the date of assessment;
  • information on current, capital or scheduled repairs on the vessel;
  • tables of measurements of the main groups of communications of the hull;
  • normative values of thickness of a covering on the case;
  • limit values of the hull thickness at which the vessel cannot be allowed for further operation;
  • information on the docking weight of the vessel, etc.

When evaluating aircraft, it is necessary to provide the expert with the following:

  • form (passport) of the product and forms (passports) of its components;
  • certificate of summer suitability;
  • LA type certificate.

The above is a basic list of what is needed to ensure a reasonable answer to the typical questions of transport and commodity examination. In some cases, when the investigation or court will raise issues of narrow focus or on individual (unique) objects, the above lists may be supplemented taking into account the specifics of the task.