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Examination of Weapon


The indicative list of tasks

  • establishing the belonging of objects to firearms or firing products structurally similar to it;
  • establishing the belonging of objects to ammunition of firearms or structurally similar products;
  • determination of the type, system (model) and caliber of firearms and ammunition for it, as well as structurally similar products;
  • determination of the state (serviceability) of weapons, ammunition for it and its suitability for shooting;
  • establishing the method of manufacturing or the fact of processing firearms, ammunition for it and structurally similar products;
  • establishing ownership of objects of parts (parts) of firearms, etc.

The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Is a firearm (an air weapon, a gas pistol or a revolver, a domestic device for firing cartridges equipped with rubber or similar metal shells) an object seized from a suspect?
  2. In what way (industrial or homemade) the object (weapon, cartridge), seized from the suspect, was made?
  3. What type, system, model, and caliber does this weapon belong?
  4. Is this weapon suitable for shooting?
  5. Is this weapon working? If not, what kind of faults does it have? Do these malfunctions exclude the possibility of a shot?
  6. Is this weapon working? If not, what are its faults? Do these malfunctions preclude the possibility of a shot?
  7. Is there any ammunition confiscated from the suspect?
  8. To what type of weapon, system, model, caliber, is the cartridge seized from the suspect assigned to?
  9. To which cartridge (type, model) does the fired cartridge case belong?


The indicative list of tasks

  • identification of a specific specimen of a firearm or a product structurally similar to it by traces on fired bullets, on the bullets, shot, cartridges, cartridge casings;
  • establishing the possibility of firing without pressing the trigger under certain conditions (for example, when the weapon falls to the ground, floor, etc.);
  • establishing the circumstances related to the use of weapons or structurally similar products (the fact of shooting after the last cleaning and lubrication of the weapon, the number of shots, the distance from which they fired, the direction of the shot, the relative position of the weapon and obstacles, etc.)

The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Could this weapon under certain conditions (for example, when it fell on the ground, floor, etc.), a shot could have occurred without pressing the trigger?
  2. Was a bullet fired (shotgun pellet, cartridge) from this weapon?
  3. Were these cartridge cases fired from the weapons provided for the study?
  4. Were these bullets (shell casings) fired from a single weapon?
  5. Is this bullet fired from what weapon (type, system, and model)?
  6. Were a bullet and a cartridge case provided for firing by parts of one cartridge?
  7. What bullet (shotgun pellet, cartridge) made the last shot from a smoothbore rifle (rifle trim)?
  8. What caliber of a smoothbore weapon was a bullet (shotgun pellet, cartridge, wad) fired at the scene (from the victim’s corpse) fired?
  9. Is this damage gunshot?
  10. What caliber bullet, type (shell, semi-shell, etc.) damage is formed?
  11. What is this damage – input or output?
  12. In what direction and from what distance was the shot fired, which caused damage to the object removed from the scene?
  13. What was the position of the weapon in relation to the victim (interference)?


The indicative list of tasks

The main tasks of cold steel research are to establish the belonging of cold steel products of barbed, cutting, chopping, shock-crushing action, method of its manufacture, determining the type, kind, sample (for industrial products) of cold steel or structurally similar products, etc.

The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Is this item a cold weapon?
  2. If so, what kind of cold weapon does it belong?
  3. How is the item taken from the suspect made?
  4. To which sample does the provided bayonet (dagger, saber, etc.) belong?
  5. Is this item a blank weapon?


The indicative list of tasksThe main tasks of weapons research with non-kinetic principle of destruction is to establish the belonging of objects to weapons, special means of active defense, non-lethal means or other structural similar products, determine its type, kind, model or sample (for industrial products), method manufacture and suitability for intended use, etc.

The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Is there a provided object a weapon (special means of active defense)? What type of weapon (special means of active defense) does it belong?
  2. Is there a provided object with a flamethrower? If so, is it a weapon? What type of weapon does it belong?
  3. Is there a provided object of electroshock devices? If so, is it a weapon or a special means of active defense? What type of weapon does it belong?
  4. How is the provided flamethrower (electroshock device) made?
  5. To what type, kind, sample belongs the provided flamethrower (electroshock device)?
  6. Is the provided flamethrower (electroshock device) suitable for its intended use?
  7. If not, what are the reasons? Is this a consequence of damage to the object? If not, under what conditions is it possible to use the provided electroshock device for its intended purpose?
  8. Does the provided flamethrower (electroshock weapon) show signs of damage? Do these damages exclude the possibility of using it for its intended purpose?


The indicative list of tasks
The main tasks of grenade launchers and barreled artillery weapons research is to establish its belonging to firearms or rocket-propelled weapons, to determine its type, kind, model or sample (for industrial products), the method of manufacture and suitability for intended use.
The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Is the provided object a weapon? What type of weapon does it belong?
  2. Is the provided grenade launcher a firearm (rocket-propelled) weapon?
  3. Is the provided mortar (gun) a firearm? What type of weapon does it belong?
  4. How is the provided grenade launcher (mortar, cannon) made?
  5. To what type, kind, sample belongs the provided grenade launcher (mortar, cannon)?
  6. Is the provided grenade launcher (mortar, cannon) suitable for shooting?
  7. Does the provided grenade launcher (mortar, cannon) show signs of damage? Do these damages exclude the possibility of firing?


The indicative list of tasks
The main tasks of the rocket-propelled weapons are to establish its belonging to a rocket-propelled weapon, to determine its type, kind, model or sample (for industrial products), the method of manufacture and suitability for intended use.
The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. Is the provided object a weapon? What type of weapon does it belong?
  2. Is the object provided a missile (rocket-propelled) weapon? What type of sample, model does it belong?
  3. How is the provided object made?
  4. Is the provided man-portable air-defense missile system (anti-tank guided missile, sighting and launcher of man-portable air-defense missile system or anti-tank guided missile) suitable for shooting?
  5. Is the provided object show signs of damage? Do these damages exclude the possibility of shooting?