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Life safety examination


The indicative list of tasks

  • establishing the causes and consequences of an accident;
  • establishing the mechanism of an accident;
  • establishing the compliance of the actions of certain persons with the requirements of normative and technical documents regulating the safe course of work, etc .;
  • establishing a causal relationship between the actions of certain persons and the occurrence of an accident;
  • determination of the circle of persons whose activity (or inaction) is related to the accident;
  • establishment of the conformity of the qualifications of the subject of the technological process of the nature performed by it;
  • establishing, from a technical point of view, causal relationships between actions (inaction) of persons and the occurrence of an accident, etc;
  • determination of the compliance of the actual working conditions at the enterprise with the regulatory requirements of labor protection.

The indicative list of issues to be resolved

  1. What is the cause of the accident?
  2. What is the cause of the accident, the consequence of which is the occurrence of an accident?
  3. What is the mechanism of the accident?
  4. Do the actions of those responsible for life safety (occupational safety) comply with regulatory and technical documents governing safety conditions at work, everyday life, etc.?
  5. Are the actions/inaction of persons (indicate which ones) with the onset of an accident in a causal relationship?
  6. Which of the persons responsible for compliance with the requirements for life safety did not fulfill the requirements of regulatory documents, which resulted in an accident?
  7. Do the actual working conditions at the enterprise, institution, organization comply with the regulatory requirements for life safety?
  8. In accordance with the current regulatory requirements, have life safety measures been implemented at the facility where the accident took place?
  9. Do the project documentation for the construction (installation) and operation of the facility comply with the requirements of regulatory documents (in terms of life safety, construction, technological, electrical, etc.)?
  10. What circumstances preceded the occurrence of the accident?
  11. What are the reasons for the failure (including ineffective operation) of production (industrial) automation installations?
  12. Do the distances between objects meet the regulatory requirements for life safety?
  13. Do the adopted design solutions of the facility, design documentation, etc. comply with the regulatory requirements for life safety?
  14. Are the industrial automation installations at the facility in working order?
  15. Is the work of the occupational safety service at the enterprise, organization, etc. organized properly, in accordance with the normative documents?
  16. Is the equipment providing life safety conditions in the corresponding technical condition of the normative requirements?
  17. Does the design of the mechanism (equipment) comply with the requirements of the rules of labor protection and safety of life?
  18. Does the condition of the mechanism (equipment) comply with the requirements of the rules of labor protection and safety of life?
  19. Are the safety mechanisms for blocking the equipment (equipment) from the occurrence of dangerous conditions of its operation in good condition?
  20. Was the commissioning of new (or refurbished) equipment in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations?
  21. Have employees been provided with the necessary personal and collective protective equipment? If so, have these products been properly tested and are suitable for their intended use?
  22. What is the reason, accidents and circumstances caused it?
  23. Failure to comply with what requirements of regulatory enactments on health and safety issues is causally related to the occurrence of an accident?
  24. Actions (inaction) of which a person is in a causal relationship with the occurrence of an accident event (accident, etc.)?
  25. Does the organization of work at the enterprise, production site comply with the regulatory requirements for life safety, labor protection?
  26. Do the organization and conduct of briefing of employees of the enterprise, institution, organization, and production site comply with the regulatory requirements for life and labor safety?
  27. Does the procedure for performing work comply with the normative and technical requirements for life safety, labor protection?
  28. What types of occupational health and safety training should be taken by workers performing work on a production site?
  29. Does the work performed at the production site belong to the category of high-risk work?
  30. Does the object (enterprise, production site) belong to the objects with increased danger?
  31. Is there a machine, mechanism, equipment with a machine, mechanisms, equipment of increased danger?
  32. What is the hazard class of substances used at the enterprise, production site?
  33. Are there any inconsistencies specified in the act regarding compliance with life safety requirements at the facility?
  34. Did the technology of using forests at the construction site meet the safety requirements stipulated by regulatory legal acts in the field of life safety, labor protection?

Important! The issue of electrical safety and regarding the occurrence of an accident associated with electric shock should be resolved during an electrical examination or during a comprehensive electrical examination and an examination for life safety.
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