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Mechanical and Engineering Examination

The objects of examination on the study of the technical condition of machines, mechanisms, equipment and equipment, metal-cutting, woodworking machines, technological lines of production (conveyors), mechanical devices for accounting for the consumption of liquids and gases and other machines and mechanisms, technical documentation, inspection materials and other documents related to the studied objects, phenomena and processes.

The main tasks of the examination on the study of the technical condition and operating conditions of machines and mechanisms are the following:

  • establishing the conformity of the investigated machines, mechanisms, their parts, components and assemblies to the technical documentation provided for research;
  • establishing compliance of technical condition and operating conditions of machines and mechanisms with the requirements of normative and technical documents;
  • establishing the conformity of machines and mechanisms to the adopted design decision of the manufacturer;
  • establishment of the mechanism and circumstances of failure of parts of components and assemblies of machines and mechanisms;
  • establishing compliance of actions of authorized persons with the requirements of normative and technical documents regulating the operation of machines and mechanisms;
  • establishing compliance with the regulatory requirements of the actions of responsible persons who had to ensure the safe operation of machines and mechanisms and organize the necessary measures to prevent their damage or failure, both during the performance of work and the operating conditions of facilities, structures, equipment, etc., including the compliance of the facility, equipment, technological process, etc. with regulatory requirements (rules) relating to regulated requirements for the operation of equipment,  as well as the establishment of a causal link between non-compliance with these requirements with equipment failure (damage) and non-compliance of actions / inaction with these requirements with the establishment of a causal link between the bodies not taken by the relevant measures carried out practical, organizational and supervisory and control functions to comply with these requirements at the facilities that were inspected by them, including when there was no case of equipment failure (damage) at such an object;
  • establishing the correctness of accounting for the consumption of gases and liquids by mechanical metering devices.

During the examinations on the study of the technical condition of machines and mechanisms, other tasks may be set related to the study of structures, breakdowns, flaws, etc. in the machines and mechanisms provided for research.

An indicative list of issues to be addressed is as follows:

  • What is the reason for the failure (breakdown) of the machine or mechanism?
  • What is the cause of an accident that occurred when using a machine or mechanism?
  • What is the mechanism of an accident or failure (breakdown) of a machine or mechanism?
  • Do the actions of responsible persons for the use of the machine or mechanism correspond to the normative and technical documents regulating the conditions of its operation in production, everyday life, etc.?
  • Are the actions / omissions of persons (indicate which) causally related to the occurrence of an accident, breakdown of a machine or mechanism?
  • Which of the responsible persons, being responsible for the trouble-free operation of the machine, did not comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, which resulted in an accident, failure (breakdown) of the machine or mechanism?
  • Do the actual operating conditions of the machine or mechanism at the enterprise, institution, or organization correspond to the established technological regulations?
  • Does the project documentation for the construction (installation) and operation of the facility for the use of the machine or mechanism meet the requirements of regulatory documents of the technological regulations on ensuring trouble-free conditions for their operation?
  • What circumstances preceded the occurrence of an accident, failure (breakdown) of the machine, mechanism or their parts, components, assemblies, etc.?
  • What are the reasons for non-operation (including inefficient operation) of production (industrial) automation plants?
  • Do the adopted design decisions on equipping the facility with machines, mechanisms other equipment, project documentation, etc. meet the regulatory requirements?
  • Are the installations of industrial automation of the machine or mechanism in working condition?
  • Does the design of the machinery of the mechanism (equipment, equipment) meet the requirements of the rules of labour protection and life safety?
  • Does the state of the mechanism (equipment, equipment) meet the requirements of the rules of labour protection and life safety?
  • Are the safety mechanisms for blocking equipment (equipment) from dangerous conditions of its operation, which may lead to an accident or failure of the machine or mechanism, in good condition?
  • Was the commissioning of new (or repaired) equipment, machinery or mechanism in accordance with the requirements of regulatory acts?
  • What is the cause, of the accident of the machine or mechanism and what circumstances caused it?
  • Actions (inaction) of which persons are causally connected with the occurrence of an accident or breakdown of a machine, or mechanism?
  • Does the organization of work at the enterprise, production site meet the regulatory requirements for the operation of machines or mechanisms that are provided for research?
  • Is the machine, mechanism, equipment machine, mechanism, equipment in high danger?
  • Is the machine, the mechanism provided for research in good condition, and if not, what causes led to the malfunction?
  • Are there signs of changes, or alterations in the components and parts of the mechanical gas or liquid flow meter, and if so, how did this affect their characteristics?
  • Does the qualification of the machine maintenance entity or mechanism correspond to the nature of the work performed by it?
  • Did the organization and execution of repair work (give which) meet the requirements of technical regulations on objects (machines, mechanisms) provided for research?
  • Did the procedure for maintenance and diagnostics of machines or mechanisms meet the requirements of regulatory documents (regulations)?
  • Did the procedure for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair of machines, mechanisms or equipment (mechanical component) meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation?