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Representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise took part in a meeting of the European Working Group of Experts on Document Research

On September 30, 2021, Victoriia Kulykovska, Head of the QDE Department, and Serhii Naumenko, Chief Forensic Expert of the QDE Department, took part in the European Document Experts Working Group 2021 (EDEWG) of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI).

The purpose of EDWG is to exchange information and experience, check the qualifications of employees of expert institutions, and cooperate in research, joint development of examination methods.

This year, the main theme of EDWG was new technologies, research of documents that are made using digital printing.

During the meeting of the Working Group, the representative of Viaderna Erna Leenaars conducted a training study of special printing products for the participants online, during which all those present were able to be acquainted with the research methods of documents made on the latest equipment.

Presentations were also made for participants on postage stamp research during investigations.

In addition to the practical part, during the meeting were discussed plans for previous years, future cooperation between members of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) and the British Standards Institute.

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