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KFI took part in the solemn events on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Scientific Research Center “Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise”

On November 09, 2023, solemn events were held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Scientific Center “Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise”. The event was opened by Serhii Tiuleniev, Director of the Scientific Research Center.

The guests of honor delivered welcoming speeches: Andrii Haichenko, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine; Nataliia Tkachenko, Director of the Department of Expert Support of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; Ivar PRITS, Director of the Estonian Forensic Science Institute; Janis Grasis, Dean of the Law Faculty of Riga Stradins University (Latvia).

The participants also took part in a video message: Descendants of Mykola Sergiyovych Bokarius – Serhii Bokarius, Semen Sahaidachnyi, Antonina Sahaidachna; Minister of Justice of Latvia – Inese Lībiņa-Egnere; Chairman of the Board of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) – Dorijan Kerzan.

Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise and Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise took part in the ceremony with welcoming remarks. Mr. Ruvin thanked for the cooperation and emphasized the importance of the contribution of forensic science institutes in establishing the perpetrators of crimes against Ukraine during the military aggression of the Russian Federation.

May the next 100 years of your work bring success, optimism, fulfillment of dreams and victories to us! May all your family and friends be happy and safe with you!

Glory to Ukraine!

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