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The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Today, December 6, is the 30th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The holiday was founded in 1993 and since then has been celebrated annually on the day of the adoption of the law “On the Armed Forces of Ukraine”.

After declaring independence in 1991, the Verkhovna Rada quickly adopted a number of legislative acts related to the military sphere. The main documents, the Concept of Defense and Construction of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the resolution “On the Defense Council of Ukraine”, the laws of Ukraine “On Defense of Ukraine”, the Military Doctrine of Ukraine and the law “On the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, all they are determined the vector of development of the armed forces.

We congratulate our Ukrainian soldiers and all those involved in this professional holiday. We wish to faithfully and proudly stand guard over the peace and good of the country, boldly and easily repel all pressure from the enemy, eliminate any problems and obstacles on the horizon, remain calm and optimistic of the soul, keep happiness and kindness in the heart.

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