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Meeting of the Technical Committee 192 “Forensic Sciences”

On December 20, 2021, in accordance with the Working Plan, a meeting was held of the Technical Committee 192 “Forensic Sciences” hereinafter referred to as TC.

The meeting was attended by:

  • Oleksandr Ruvin, Chairman of the TC:
  • Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Chairman of the TC;
  • Andrii Poltavskyi, Secretary of the TC;

Other members of the Committee joined online, in the Zoom conference mode.

During the meeting of the TC, the issues related to the development of draft State Standards of Ukraine in the field of forensic investigation of fires and electrical engineering were considered as well as automotive, trasology, portrait, explosive, psychological, construction-technical, appraisal-construction, economic and other types of forensic examinations.

Due to the results of the meeting, all issues were considered, information on the progress of the State Standards of Ukraine (in Ukrainian referred to as “DSTU”) projects was taken into account, and proposals for the development of new State Standards of Ukraine projects were supported by their inclusion in the National Standardization Working Program for 2022.

У КНДІСЕ відбулось засідання Технічного комітету 192 «Судова експертиза»

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