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The training seminar “Application of quadrocopters during engineering and technical examinations”

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise hosted an internal training seminar “Application of quadrocopters during engineering and technical examinations”.

The participants were specialists from the Laboratory for Engineering and Technical Research and representatives from Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kropyvnytskyi, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv Branches of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The purpose of the event was to explore the possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles within the framework of forensic examinations.

Tatiana Holikova, Deputy Director of KFI, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, noting that over the past year the Institute was able to significantly upgrade and modernize the material and technical base.

“Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is always trying to be one step ahead. Using the capabilities of modern technology will improve the level of expert work, help experts to quickly solve tasks, simplify certain tasks. Specialists of the Laboratory for Engineering and Technical Research began to use drones in conducting forensic examinations in 2016, and today we want to provide this opportunity to experts in regional offices” said Tatiana Holikova.

Unmanned aerial vehicles are widely used in the modern world to solve a wide variety of scientific, applied, military, civil and other tasks. Drones are especially popular during observation and monitoring.

According to Ihor Chaliuk, a moderator of the event, Head of the Department for Quality and Costing Studies on Road Construction Works of KFI, today, as part of the engineering types of research, quadrocopters are used for visual inspection of the research object; obtaining high-quality photos and videos from the field survey of the object of study; perform orthophotomap plot; inspection of the research object (area), if there is no possibility of personal inspection by an expert, etc.

Within the framework of the theoretical part, the specialist of KFI presented the participants with general information on the use of a quadrocopter during research as well as general principles and recommendations.

A separate topic of the report was a discussion of the regulatory document, currently regulates flights on a quadcopters – the Order approving the Aviation Rules of Ukraine “Rules on the Use of Airspace of Ukraine” dated May 11, 2018 No. 430/210 of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

In addition, Oleksandr Doshchechkin, a specialist of the Department for Quality and Costing Studies on Road Construction Works, gave a presentation “The use of geodetic instruments. General provisions and recommendations.”

After completing the theoretical part of the seminar, the representatives of the Branches received the equipment and conducted practical training course in the open air.

The development of the state and civil society, forensic and other activities directly depend on the efforts made by each person to implement the most relevant achievements of scientific and technological progress. Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will continue the development and improvement.

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