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The staff of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducted an excursion for students of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics in the Materials, Substances and Products Research Department

On September 29, 2021, master’s students of the Faculty of Trade and Marketing, specialization “Customs” of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics visited the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. The purpose of the tour was to be acquainted with modern methods and equipment for the examination of fuels and lubricants, and vehicles.  

Oleh Posilskyi, Head of Materials, Substances and Products Research Department, showed students the premises of the Department where fuel and lubricants research is conducted, acquainted with its equipment, and demonstrated the principles of its operation.

In addition to fuels and lubricants, students also visited the premises where tobacco products are researched. The Institute’s staff spoke in detail about modern types of research on tobacco products, through which it is possible to identify counterfeit products.

The equipment on which biological examination is carried out were also shown to the students of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics.

After being acquainted with the Department of Materials, Substances and Products Research, Yulia Foris, a Junior Researcher in the Department of Research and International Cooperation, gave the students a tour of the museum. She told about the history of the Institute and demonstrated an exceptional collection of exhibits.

At the end of the visit, students of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics visited the reference and information fund of the Institute, where they had the opportunity to view rare publications on criminology and forensics.

Співробітники КНДІСЕ відділу досліджень матеріалів, речовин та виробів провели екскурсію для студентів КНТЕУ

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