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The sections of the forensic auto-technical examination and forensic economic examination took place

On October 25, 2022, a meeting of the section on forensic auto-technical examination of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on Forensic Science at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine was held via videoconference.

From the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the following participants took part in the work of the section:

  • Oleksandr Sadchenko, Head of the Organization of Scientific, Methodological Activities, Regulatory Support and International Cooperation Laboratory of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise;
  • Pavlo Borshchevskyi, Head of the Department of Auto-technical Types of Research of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Head of the Section;
  • Oleksandr Yurchenko, Chief Forensic Expert of the Department of Auto-technical Types of Research;
  • Serhii Kalmykov, Leading Forensic Expert of the Department of Auto-technical Types of Research, Secretary of the Section.

In accordance with the approved agenda, the participants of the section considered the state of implementation of the current research projects (in accordance with the thematic plan of the research works of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2022); the results of approbation and implementation of scientific works. The experts also considered the letters of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on amendments to training programs (internships) in expert specialities in auto-technical research and assessed the relevance of the recommended scientific, technical and reference  Literature; reviewed the existence of legal issues in the Scientific and Methodological Recommendations on the preparation and appointment of forensic examinations and expert research, as well as other topical issues of forensic auto-technical examination.

In addition, the participants of the section focused their attention on the importance of conclusions on the mechanisms of compensation for damaged vehicles related to the consequences of the military aggression of the russian army on the territory of Ukraine, etc.

All issues, in accordance with the agenda, were considered in full.

On the same day, a meeting of the forensic economic examination of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on Forensic Science at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine was also held by videoconference.

The following participants took part in the work of the section from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine:

  • Olha Lukova, Deputy Director for Expert Work of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise;
  • Ihor Hrynenko, Head of the Financial Research Department and Credit Operations and Economic Activity of Enterprises of the Laboratory of Economic Research of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise;
  • Mykhailo Poliennikov, Leading Forensic Expert of the Economic Research Laboratory of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

At the meeting of the section, there was a discussion of issues on the agenda, namely: implementation of current research in accordance with the thematic plan of the research works of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2022; results of approbation and implementation of scientific works. In addition, the participants of the section considered proposals for making changes to the training programs (internship) in expert specialities; proposals on the relevance of a separate recommended scientific, technical and reference literature, the draft project of the section work for 2023 and other pressing issues of conducting forensic economic examinations.

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