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The meeting of the section of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council of the military expertise was held under the chairmanship of the specialists of KIF

On May 20, 2017 a regular meeting of the section of Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council of the military expertise was held in Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

During the videoconference the representatives of Kyiv, Odesa and Kharkiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise discussed the issues of improving scientific work; ways to increase effectiveness of scientific developments and the quality of expert activity of research institutes of forensic expertise related to the management of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

We will remind that according to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine «On approval of the Instruction on the appointment and conduct of forensic expertise and forensic research» the main tasks of the military expertise are the following:

  • the establishment of the circumstances of the application and actions of military formations;
  • the establishment of the circumstances that led to the onset of grave consequences, peoples’ death (military personnel, members of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine and other representatives of the ministries and departments, civilians), losses of weapons, military hardware, the objects of public authority and infrastructure, personal property of citizens at application of military formations;
  • the establishment of conformity of actions (inaction) of officials to the requirements of the governing documents (assigned duties).

The experts of the military expertise department of KIF are involved in the investigation of the key resonant cases of our country. To date, comprehensive forensic examinations have been completed on the fact of the crash of IL-76 military aircraft near Luhansk, the expertise connected with the mass death of the servicemen and civilians, losses of military hardware and so on near Sloviansk, Ilovaisk, Debaltseve, Volnovakha, the expertise connected with the events in Balaklia as well as other tragic occurrences in ATO area.

The work of the section of the scientific advisory and methodological council of the military expertise, in turn, makes it possible to improve the theoretical and methodological base of the experts of this direction and to facilitate the rapid resolution of the pressing issues.

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