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The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise presented a new educational manual “Comprehensive forensic expert research of firearms weapons traces”

It has been published a new educational manual “Comprehensive forensic expert research traces of firearms weapons” developed in the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The edition deals with the order of methods’ use, rules and means during comprehensive forensic examination research of firearms weapons traces and objects based on the world experience and modern practice of forensic ballistics examination.

In eight sections of the manual highlighted question of firearms weapons’ classification, types of traces, installation of weapons’ group accessories, installation firearms damage, general characteristics of gunshot residues, methods of firearms weapons’ research, physical and chemical research gunshot residues as well as direction installation, sequence and distance of a shot.

The manual is designed for forensic experts, employees of forensic services and specialists in the field of firearms weapons.

навчальний посібник «Комплексне судово-експертне дослідження слідів застосування вогнепальної зброї»

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