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The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine

On August 23, Ukraine celebrates a national holiday – the Day of the National Flag.

The national flag is a symbol of the spirit and freedom of our country. It is a symbol of all the main stages and achievements that have occurred during the years of independence of Ukraine.

This day is one of the most significant holidays in the history of Ukraine. Respecting the state symbols of Ukraine, we pay tribute to the memory of the heroic past of the country, honour the inviolable connection of times and the continuity of generations, and carefully preserve the cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people.

Under the blue and yellow flag, the Maidan (so-called the Maidan Uprising), the Revolution of Dignity won, under this flag, fighters still defend Ukraine’s independence from Russian aggression.

Today we celebrate the Day of the National Flag and bow our heads in memory of those who, under its heavenly gold colours, gave their lives “for Ukraine, for its will, for honour, for glory, for the people!”, who in times of great trials firmly held the national shrine in their hands in thorny and heroic ways.

The fate of an independent state depends on each of us. However, its main guarantor is our Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard, and other law enforcement agencies that defend the country from Russian aggression.

We are convinced that Ukraine will survive; Ukraine will liberate all the lands occupied by the Russian aggressor and build a powerful European state, where our eternal symbol is and will remain the blue and yellow flag!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

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