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The first international conference of forensic experts “The Scientific Justification of the Conclusions of Forensic Examinations” (Republic of Moldova)

In the city of Chișinău was held a two-day international conference of forensic experts entitled “The scientific justification of the conclusions of forensic examinations” devoted to the celebration of the professional holiday – the Day of the Forensic Expert of the Republic of Moldova.

Anatolii Muntianu, the State Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, opened the conference and congratulated his colleagues from Ukraine, Romania and Italy. He noted that he highly appreciates the presence of forensic experts from other countries at the conference. This clearly demonstrates the active development of forensic expertise and its significant role in the process of administering justice and protecting the rule of law.

Olga Kataraga, the Director of the National Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova noted that the topic of the conference is beyond any doubts, since scientific analysis of evidence is a guarantee and a prerequisite for the development of modern justice. The Director of the Center emphasized that the work of forensic experts requires knowledge in various related sciences and a quick response to modern changes and transformations.

“We have examples of European countries with strong forensic institutions. The initiative of holding an international seminar is a way to increase efforts on the way to bringing our standards in line with the principles of the European Union,” noted Olga Kataraga.

International cooperation is a key element in the development of forensic expertise. Thus, during the official part, the Director of the National Center for Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Olga Kataraga awarded the Diploma to Oleksandr Ruvin, the Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine “For a Significant Personal Contribution to the Development of Forensic Expertise.”

Olga Kataraga noted that she appreciates the commonwealth of our institutions, the assistance of KFI during the training and internship of the staff of the National Center for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Moldova, and the exchange of experience with the Ukrainian forensic experts of KFI who are members of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI).

In the plenary session made a presentation, Olga Kataraga, the Director of the National Center for Forensic Expertise at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova on the conceptual issues of forensic examinations and expert conclusions; Oleksandr Ruvin, the Director of KFI with a report on the international standardization of forensic expert support of justice as improving the reliability of court evidence as well as the activities of the KFI units; Heorhii Holubenko, the professor of law, lecturer of the International University of the Republic of Moldova with a report on the specifics of the use of special knowledge in the criminal process in the light of the provisions of the new Law “On Forensic Expertise and the status of a forensic expert”; Ella Simakova-Yefremian, the Deputy Director for Scientific Work of Hon. Prof. M.S. Bokarius Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations (KhRIFE) with a report on scientific research as one of the priorities in the Kharkiv Research Institute of Forensic Examinations; Anatolii Akimov, the forensic expert of the National Center for Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova with a report on the issues and problems of the competence of the forensic expert in the field of construction and technical expertise; representatives of Forinst company Francesco Dellavalle and Graziano Candeo (Turin, Italy) with presentations and presentation of equipment for document research; forensic expert of the Regional Center of Forensic Expertise of Romania Sorin Alamoreanu with a report on the problems of copies research of the submitted documents, etc.

In general, the conference brought together guests from various scientific fields, government officials and scientists, reports of which are collected in a special edition of the scientific and practical journal “Law and Life”.

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