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The annual meeting of the members of the ENFSI Working Group on Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis Research (FSAAWG) was held

On November 04, 2022, the annual meeting of the members of the ENFSI Working Group on Speech and Audio Forensic Analysis Research was held. This year, the meeting of the working group was held in videoconference mode.

Dr. Dagmar Boss, Chair of the ENFSI Working Group on Speech and Audio Forensic Analysis Research, opened the meeting.

In the work of the annual meeting of the working group, representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise became:

  • Vladyslav Smirnov, Senior Forensic Expert of the Phonoscopic and Computer Research Department;
  • Ruslan Demianenko, Senior Forensic Expert of the Phonoscopic and Computer Research Department.

The ENFSI Working Group on Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis Research (FSAAWG) includes a large number of forensic and scientific laboratories from more than 20 countries around the world, such as Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, USA, Turkey, and others.

During the meeting, experts from Poland, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands spoke with scientific reports. The following topics were considered:

  • achieving forensic audio authentication based on MDCT analysis;
  • forensic analysis of clock sounds in the recording;
  • application of sound recording parameters and metadata in machine learning methods;
  • match and mismatch conditions in automatic speaker recognition: generalization of the ISF FORBIS project.

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