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The 66th edition of the interdepartmental scientific-methodical collection “Forensics and Criminalistics” is published

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is pleased to announce the publication of an interdepartmental scientific and methodological collection “Forensics and Criminalistics”, which summarizes and systematizes the experience and research work of experts, scientists, lawyers from our country and from other countries.  

Traditionally, the pages of the collection depict the current state of development of the theory of forensic science and criminology. New scientific approaches, traditional and non-traditional views on the debatable problems of the theory and practice of forensic science.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1471 dated 26.11.2020, the collection “Forensics and Criminalistics” was included in category B in legal sciences in specialty 081 “Law”, which confirms the extraordinary scientific value of the publication.  

Respected foreign experts from the United Kingdom, Tabitha Birch, Ivan Birch, and Mark James, who authored the article “The identifying emotions and jury decision-making”, published this issue for the first time.

We are also pleased to welcome Dariusz Wilk, Assistant Professor of Jagiellonian University in Kraków, (Poland), who also published for the first time in the collection an article entitled “Forensic databases in Poland. Legal issues related to right to the protection of personal data and to privacy”.

We truly thank everyone who took part in the formation of the collection. These are 28 editors and more than 150 authors from Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Lithuania, and the State of Israel, including 25 doctors of science, 70 doctors of philosophy in various fields, and other leading specialists.  

Thanks to our authors, this year’s collection “Forensics and Criminalistics” is the largest in the history of the publication, and consists of 96 articles in 11 sections.

We are sure that the materials of the collection will be extremely useful to readers in both work and study, and we wish success and achievements, good health, always to be in a good mood!

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