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The 61st issue of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Methodological collection of KFI “Criminalitics and Forensics”

Кyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine announces the publication of the 61st issue of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Methodological collection “Criminalistics and Forensics”.

Domestic, scientific, legal, information publication is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine and it is issued once a year and published in mixed languages: in Ukrainian, Russian and English. It is distributed in the territory of the state and abroad.

According to Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of KFI, effective use of the up-to-date achievements of science is one of the most important conditions for ensuring justice. The edition attracts the attention of forensic experts, employees of pre-trial investigation bodies, judges, teachers and students of legal and medical higher educational institutes, who thanks to its active scientific work contribute to the development of forensic expertise and criminalistics.

The publication contains materials reflecting the results of scientific research in theory and history of forensic expertise, development and improvement of methods of various types of forensic research. In addition, it addresses current issues of investigative tactics and methods of crimes’ investigation.

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