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Specialists of KFI were included in the authorship of the manual “Participation of a specialist in the inspection of the scene of crime”

Specialists of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise were included in the authorship of the manual “Participation of a specialist in the inspection of the scene of crime.” The publication was jointly worked by experts from KFI, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Main Investigation Department of the National Police of Ukraine and the National Academy of Internal Affairs.

The manual addresses the algorithm of the expert’s actions during the inspection of the place of an incident, the features of detection, fixation, removal and packaging of trace information, tactics of actions during the review of the place of an incident in individual situations. It is intended for use by employees of pre-trial investigation bodies, expert departments, scientific and pedagogical staff of higher law schools, and applicants for higher education degrees.

The contents of the manual include the following sections:

  1. Legal grounds for involving a specialist in the inspection of the scene of an incident
  2. The actions of a specialist in the event of receiving notification of departure to the scene and immediately upon inspection
  3. Personal security measures during the inspection of the scene and rules for working with potentially dangerous objects
  4. Scientific and technical means used in conducting an inspection of the scene
  5. Rules of photographing on the scene
  6. Features of the work on trace information
  7. Tactics of actions during the inspection of the scene in certain situations
  8. Drawing up plans, schemes
  9. General rules and examples of the description of tracks in the inspection report

Each of the sections contains comprehensive information on this topic. Thus, in the section of the photography process, recommendations are given on how to conduct it under normal conditions and under unfavorable conditions. Details of the work with trace information (biological traces of a person, traces of clothes and their injuries, shoes, tools of breaking, vehicles and traces of soil-mineral origin, plant origin, etc.) are analyzed in detail.

Particular assistance in the publication of the manual as well as technical assistance was provided by the European Union Advisory Mission. During the first official presentation of the practical manual, European colleagues noted the enormity of the work which was done and thanked for taking into account a number of their comments and advice.

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