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Session of the section on theoretical, general-methodological, procedural and organizational issues of forensic expertise

There was held session of the section of Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on theoretical, general-methodological, procedural and organizational issues of forensic expertise under the chairmanship of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise in Dnipro city.

During the meeting the participants reviewed the information about the progress of research work in accordance with the thematic plan of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine approved as of 2017 and analyzed the explanatory notes for developments the implementation of which is planned for the next year.

In addition, forensic experts discussed the problematic issues of forensicї, scientific and methodological activities as well as made their proposals for amendments and additions to regulatory acts that govern forensic activity.

It should be noted that the practical result of the scientific and research work conducted at KFI was the adoption of “Development of a comprehensive methodology for calculating measurement uncertainty in accordance with the requirements of the international standards of quality management systems adapted in Ukraine”.

Tetiana Holikova, Deputy Director of KFI and the Head of the section on theoretical, general-methodological, procedural and organizational issues of forensic expertise also noted that an important problem for section’s discussion was the introduction by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of an automated testing system for applicants of expert specialties. The implementation if the relevant initiative was started with the aim of improving the procedure for passing the qualification examination and assessing the level of knowledge of specialist who do not work in the state specialized institutions and intend to obtain and/or confirm the qualification of forensic expert.

An automated system is proposed to carry out e-learning and testing. The experts of KFI have developed and proposed to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine questions and answers for the specialists’ testing program of the relevant forensic types and expert specialties.

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