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Sections of handwriting, military, explosion technical forensic examination and forensic examination of intellectual property objects were held

From April 12 to April 14, 2023, sections of handwriting, military, explosion technical forensic examination and forensic examination of intellectual property objects of the scientific, advisory and methodological council on forensic examination at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine were held. The sections were held via video conferencing.

The following representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise took part in the work of the section on forensic handwriting:

  • Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director
  • Iryna Bilous, Head of the Department of Handwriting Research
  • Ihor Krasiuk, Deputy Head of the Department of Handwriting Research
  • Yana Sukhomlyn, Forensic Expert of the Handwriting Research Department

The participants of the section reviewed reviews of works completed in 2022; reviewed the state of implementation of the research project in accordance with the Thematic Plan of the Research Institute of the National Research Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, and also considered an explanatory note on the development of research work on the topic “Methodology for the study of handwritten records made in similar handwriting” and voted for the further inclusion of this topic in the Thematic Plan of the Research Research Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2024.

The work of the forensic military expertise section of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine was presented by the following experts:

  • Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Head of the Section
  • Oleksandr Kozlov, Chief Forensic Expert of the Military Studies Department
  • Viktor Nevinnyi, Chief Forensic Expert of the Military Studies Department

During the section, participants focused on the consideration of explanatory notes to research works on new topics planned for inclusion in the thematic plan of the research project of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2024, and consideration of annotated reports on research topics performed in 2023. The progress of the implementation of the Research and Development Plan of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2023 was also discussed.

In the work of the section on forensic explosion expertise from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, representatives were:

  • Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise
  • Andrii Kulchytskyi, Head of the Laboratory of Military Research, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise
  • Volodymyr Munchak, Deputy Head of the Military Research Laboratory, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

In the section, the participants reviewed the state of implementation of the research project, in accordance with the Thematic Plan of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, and consideration of annotated reports on research topics carried out in 2023. In addition, considerable attention was paid to the issue of conducting explosive forensic examinations as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

The section on the examination of intellectual property objects was presented by the following representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine:

  • Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise
  • Nataliia Klymova, Leading Forensic Expert of the Commodity Research and Research of Intellectual Property Department
  • Anatolii Dorovskykh, Chief Forensic Expert of the Commodity Research and Research of Intellectual Property Department
  • Viktor Davydchenko, Leading Forensic Expert of the Kropyvnytskyi Branch of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise

During the work of the section, reviews for the approbation of research projects, annotated research reports, and progress of research projects, which are completed this year, were traditionally heard; progress of implementation of previous decisions of the section; issues of improving methods, generalization of expert practice and exchange of expert experience.    

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