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Scientific activity

Research activities, along with expert activities, have been developing at the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) since the beginning of its functioning in 1914 as the Office of Scientific Forensic Examination under the Prosecutor of the Kyiv Judicial Chamber. Strengthening its potential in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Institute is now developing all areas of innovative forensic activity, carrying out, applied and express research with priority in the field of law and expert specialities, the results of which are actively implemented in lawmaking, law enforcement and expert activities, scientific support of rule-making processes and is a scientific centre for expert support of justice.

In accordance with the Thematic Plan of Research Work of Research Institutions of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for 2023, the Institute carries out 51 research works on topical problems of the theory and practice of forensic examination. According to the Institute’s Plan, 17 research works were carried out.

The plan of research work of the Institute is being fully implemented. In particular, in the current year, the implementation of 51 topics of the Plan is underway, aimed at ensuring forensic activities and creating methods for conducting forensic examinations. The forms of implementation of these scientific studies are methodical recommendations; textbooks; monographs; textbooks; scientific and practical comments; reference books; standards of established practice; and methods of conducting forensic examinations.

As a result of systematic work aimed at increasing the level of publication of the results of scientific activity, the scientists of the Institute annually publish scientific papers in journals indexed in the international scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science.

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has an electronic repository, which is filled with new publications and currently has more than 8 thousand entries. materials, which contributes to the popularization of the work of scientists of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise on the Internet.

Of great importance for the implementation of scientific research at the Institute is the organization and holding of international scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, round tables, and working meetings. These events are attended by leading scientists, representatives of state authorities, law enforcement agencies, in particular, foreign countries, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers of higher education institutions, and scientific institutions.

According to the results of the state certification conducted on May 22, 2019, the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise was recognized as a scientific institution that passed the state certification with a certification grade of 3.08/3.87 for a period of 5 years. Certificate of State Attestation Series DA No. 00018 valid until May 31, 2024. Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise belongs to the I classification group.

The research work of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is headed by the Director. The Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work supervises and ensures the functioning of this area of activity. The institute also has a scientific secretary, who is the secretary of the Academic Council of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. For the purpose of proper organization of research by all expert and scientific subdivisions of the Institute, in accordance with the regulations on it, the Laboratory for the Organization of Scientific, Methodological Activities, Regulatory Support and International Cooperation operates.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities”, the Statute of the Institute and the Regulations on the Academic Council of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, the Institute has an Academic Council consisting of 15 people. Meetings of the Academic Council are held regularly (11-12 meetings per year).

In addition to the actual research developments, the Institute conducts scientific and methodological activities. These include: organization and participation in spring, autumn and extraordinary meetings of sections of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on Forensic Examination at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; participation in the annual meeting of the Presidium of the Scientific Advisory and Methodological Council on Forensic Examination at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The Laboratory for the Organization of Scientific, Methodological Activities, Regulatory Support, International Cooperation and Training of Experts carries out editorial and publishing activities. In particular, in accordance with Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Expertise” regularly, once a year, the interdepartmental scientific and methodological collection “Criminalistics and Forensics” is published. The publication is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category B in legal sciences in the specialty 081 “Law”, is printed in mixed languages: Ukrainian and English and is distributed on the territory of the state and abroad. The journal is registered on the platform “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” and in the international scientometric databases “Index Copernicus”, “Ulrich’s Periodicals”, “ERICH PLUS”, “Google Scholar”, assigned an identifier of the international standard DOI (digital object identifier).

For the entire period of existence of this publication, more than four thousand scientific articles have been published.

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has carried out more than 700 research developments, including methods, scientific and methodological recommendations, etc.

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has launched the publication of the textbook “Forensic Examinations in the Procedural Law of Ukraine”, designed to clearly and fully disclose the content, tasks, issues to be solved, methods used and necessary materials for conducting certain types of forensic examinations. The fourth manual is already being published. The publication is intended for a wide range of readers who can potentially appoint, or are subjects of the appointment of forensic examinations, is in great demand and is one of the latest and most relevant publications in Ukraine over the past 30 years.

The most significant publications with the participation of the Institute’s staff in recent years have been:

1. Monographs:

  • Nestor, N. V. Introduction of Mediation in the Criminal Process of Ukraine: Problems of Theory and Practice. Kyiv, 2018. 182 p.
  • Nestor, N. V. Criminal Procedure Code of 2012: Ideology and Practice of Law Enforcement. Odesa, 2018. (co-author).
  • Nestor, N. V. Administrative-legal principles of control over the activities of courts (judges) in Ukraine. Kharkiv, 2019. 424 p.
  • Molyboha, M. P. Forensic Medical Examination of Objects in Case of Gunshot Trauma: Monograph. View. Additional.  Kyiv, 2019. 303 p.: ill. (co-author).
  • Starushkevych, A. V. Theory and practice of using special knowledge during the investigation of robberies and robberies. Kyiv, 2020. 230 p. (co-author).

2. Tutorials, textbooks:

  • Bilous I. V. et all. Participation of a specialist in the inspection of the scene: textbook.  (collective of authors); Eds. O. H. Ruvin, B. B. Teplytskyi, S. S. Cherniavskyi; Main Investigative Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. Kyiv-Kharkiv, 127 p.: ill. (co-author).
  • Molyboрa, M. P. Participation of a Specialist-Criminalist during the Conduct of Certain Investigative (Search) Actions. Vinnytsia, 2018. 432 p.: ill. (co-author).
  • Forensic Expertise in the Procedural Law of Ukraine. Textbook/Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; Ed. О. Р. Ruvin. Kyiv, 2019. 424 p. (co-author).
  • Nestor, N. V. Expertise in Criminal Proceedings: Science-Practice textbook/ Ed.  A. V. Stolitnii. Kyiv, 2020. 308 p. (co-author).
  • Sadchenko, O. O., and Starushkevych, A. V. Criminalistics: textbook. Ed. V. V. Piaskovskyi. 2nd ed., revised. and additional. Kyiv, 2020. 752 p. (co-author)
  • Baulin O. V. et all. Special Criminal Proceedings in Ukraine: Science-Practice textbook. 2nd ed., supplement. and alterations. Ed. A. V. Stolitnii. Kyiv. 2020. 320 p. (co-author).
  • Forensic Expertise in the Procedural Law of Ukraine. Tutorials/ Nestor N. V., Baulin O. V., Zherebko O. I. and others. Kyiv, 2021. Issue. 2. 276 p.
  • Baulin O. V. et all. Attorney’s Exam: Samples of Procedural Documents. 4th ed., supplement. and alterations. Study. Tutorials. Kyiv, 2021. 352 p. (co-author).
  • Baulin O. V. et all. Examples of Public Law Documents: (Criminal Law and Procedure, Administrative Law and Procedure): 3rd ed., supplement and alterations. Textbook. Kyiv, 2021. 172 p. (co-author).
  • Baulin O. V. et all. The Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine with article-by-article materials of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. As of January 14, 2021: scientific and practical guide. Ed. A. V. Stolitnii. Kyiv, 2021. 1102 p. (co-author).
  • Baulin O. V. et all. Covert Investigative (Search) Actions: Science-Practice textbook. Ed. A. V. Stolitnii. Kyiv, 2021. 336 p. (co-author).
  • Comprehensive forensic expert study of traces of the use of firearms. Tutotrials. Ed. N. V. Nestor (lead author); M. P. Molyboha, A. O. Poltavskyi, O. V. Baulin, I. M. Samoilenko and others. Kyiv, 2022. 276 p. (co-author).
  • Baulin O. V. et all. Prosecutor’s Motion in Criminal Proceedings: Science-Practice textbook. Ed. A. V. Stolitnii, M. S. Turkot; revised. and additional. Kyiv, 2022.  265 p. (co-author).
  • Forensic Expertise in the Procedural Law of Ukraine. Nestor N. V., Ruvin O. H., Baulin O. V. and others. Kyiv, 2023. Issue. 3. 364 p.

3. Scientific and practical comments:

  • Nestor, N. V. Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”: Science-Practice comment.  Ed. M. A. Pohoretskyi, O. Z. Khotynska-Nor, O. H. Yanovska; Author. Count. N. V. Nestor et al. Kyiv, 2019. 1179 p. (co-author).

4. Directories:

  • Lutsenko, S. H., Molyboha, M. P., Poltavskyi, A. O. and Samoilenko, I. M. Actions of the police in case of detection of weapons and explosive devices or traces of their use. Ed. S. S. Cherniavskyi, O. H. Ruvin, B. B. Teplytskyi: a reference book. Kyiv, 2019. 148 p. (co-author).

5. Proceedings of conferences, seminars, round tables organized by the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise:

  • Topical Issues of Standardization of Forensic Expert Support of Justice in Ukraine. Development Prospects: Proceedings of the International. Scientific and Practical Conference, Dedicated. 105th Anniversary and the 95th anniversary of the birth of M. Ya. Sehai (Kyiv, July 4-5, 2018) / Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine; ed. by O. H. Ruvin; compiled by N. V. Nestor, A. O. Poltavskyi, O. V. Yudina, Y. B. Foris. Kyiv, 2018. 268 p.
  • Topical Issues of Standardization and Accreditation of Trace Studies and Weapons Research: Proceedings of the Interdepartmental Scientific and Practical Seminar (Kyiv, January 12, 2018)/ Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise; Ed. O. H. Ruvin; A. O. Poltavsky, V. P. Koloniuk, O. V. Yudina. Kyiv, 2018. 112 p. (VI Berger Readings).
  • The history of the development and formation of forensic examination: a round table dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the founding of the scientific and methodological collection “Criminalistics and Forensics” June 7, 2019, Kyiv, 2019.
  • Topical Issues of Forensic Expertology, Criminalistics and Criminal Process: Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. O. H. Ruvin, N. V. Nestor; O. I. Zherebko, A. O. Poltavskyi, O. V. Yudina. Kyiv, 2019. 672 p.
  • Topical Issues of Forensic Expertology, Criminalistics and Criminal Process: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. O. H. Ruvin, N. V. Nestor; O. I. Zherebko, V. P. Koloniuk, O. O. Sadchenko, and O. V. Yudina. Kyiv, 2020. 676 p.
  • Topical Issues of Forensic Expertology, Criminalistics and Criminal Process: Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. N. V. Nestor; O. V. Baulin, O. I. Zherebko, T. P. Kryvak, O. O. Sadchenko, A. V. Starushkevych, O. V. Yudina. Kyiv, 2021. 520 p.
  • Assessment and Compensation for Damage Caused by the Aggressive War of the russian federation against Ukraine: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (August 19, 2022, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, KNEU, Kyiv Region Bar Council). Kyiv, 2022. 151 p.
  • Topical Issues of Forensic Expertology, Criminalistics and Criminal Process: Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ed. N. V. Nestor; O. V. Baulin, O. I. Zherebko, T. P. Kryvak, O. O. Sadchenko, A. V. Starushkevych, Yu. Foris. Kyiv, 2022. 526 p.

Employees of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise have registered more than 10 patents and copyright certificates.

It should be noted that at the laboratory of organization of scientific, methodological activities, regulatory support, international cooperation and training of experts there is a reference and information fund, which includes literature on criminalistics, forensic examination and criminal procedure and some other reference literature, as well as methods and reports on research developed by the staff of the Institute.