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Roundtable: “Criminalistic support of procedural proceedings by pre-trial investigation of crimes committed by using explosives”

On June 7, 2017 on the basis of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine in cooperation with Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine and the Department of Explosives of the National Police of Ukraine held a round-table on the topic: “Criminalistic supplying of the procedural guidance by pre-trial investigation of criminal offences related to the use of explosive devices”.

The scientific community, experts, representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission, law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, Norway, Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey and other countries met at a round-table to discuss together the pressing issues.

The meeting was opened by vice-rector of the Academy – director of the scientific and Research Institute Heorgii Popov. On behalf of the organizers, he welcomed all the participants and stressed the importance of subjects, which is dedicated to a specified event.

In a welcoming speech the Director of Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise Oleksandr Ruvin noted: «The topic of the event without exaggeration is extremely important in the sphere of ensuring the protection of rights, freedom and legitimate interests of an individual in the criminal process of Ukraine. It is equally important in the aspect of development and improvement of forensic practice. Some problematic aspects of this issue are still unresolved and require of its rethinking, development of relevant recommendations and proposals in the context of the reforms that are being conducted in our country».

In particular, it has been discussed about features of the appointment and carrying out of forensic explosive expertise, examination of the crime scene and collection of the full evidence base, as the key points for ensuring to conduct of a full-fledged and professional expert research.

The participants of the event exchanged their views and experience on the implementation of certain aspects of the preparation, conduct and recording of the results of the investigative actions during the pre-trial investigation, the problems of the participation of various specialists in the investigation of the scene of the investigation, the issues of interagency cooperation between the subjects of counteraction to criminal offences etc. Special attention was paid to the studying and taking into account of the international experience in investigation and prevention of explosive types of crimes.

According to the representative the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine Bjørn Tore Saltvik, the study and discussion of criminal offences related to the use of explosive devices are closely linked with the prevention of terrorist activities. «Illegal actions become more accessible and it is increasingly difficult to combat them. States in the fight against terrorists are forced to introduce increasingly tough norms that in some way restrict the freedom of every citizen. Therefore, the consolidation of the international efforts will serve to ensure the world’s rule of law, guarantees of protection of freedom and human rights».

Serhii Lutsenko, the Head of the sector of explosive researches of KFI, and Oleksandr Shmerego, the Head of the department of labor safety, fire and electrical engineering researches of KFI, took part in the work of the round-table. The experts of KFI stressed the need to increase the level of provision of the relevant research units with modern scientific and technical facilities (complexes, proving grounds, laboratories and equipment, and paid special attention to improving the coordinated actions of the specialized departments of servicemen and law enforcement agencies in order to prevent loss of evidence or delay of forensic expertise.

The general discussion within the framework of the round-table included the following thematic directions:

  • conceptual approaches, international legal and legislative aspects of countering criminal offences committed with explosive devices;
  • process of detection, suppression of investigation and disclosure of criminal offences committed with explosive devices: procedural, criminalistic, criminological directions;
  • the activities of law enforcement agencies and special services to counteract crimes committed with explosive devices and minimize of their consequences;
  • the current state and main issues of the procedural management of pre-trial investigation of criminal offences committed with explosive devices.

The results of the roundtable “Criminalistic support of procedural proceedings by pre-trial investigation of crimes committed by using explosives”approved the recommendations are aimed at improving the investigation of crimes committed with the use of explosive devices. We thank all the participants for fruitful cooperation!

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