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Representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise joined the VI Business and Legal Forum on Energy

Oleksandr Shmereho, Head of the Department of Life Safety Research, Fire Engineering and Electrical Engineering Research, Oleksii Kopanytsia, Deputy Head of Engineering and Environmental Research Department, and Oleg Baulin, Head of the Scientific Activity and International Cooperation Department, took part in the VI Business & Legal Energy Forum (Business and the Legal Forum on Energy).

The event took place on November 17, 2021, at the Premier Palace Hotel. Representatives of expert institutions, legal organizations and businesses attended the forum.

In particular, among the invited guests at the event were:

  • Liudmyla BUIMISTER, People’s Deputy of Ukraine;
  • Maksym NEMCHYNOV, Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine;
  • Oleksii SLUCH, Judge of the Commercial Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court;
  • Anzhelika KONOPLIANKO, Deputy Chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine – State Commissioner, and other participants.

The main topics of the forum were Ukraine’s energy security, the functioning of the energy market and disputes in the energy sector. Thus, the issues of Ukraine’s prospects as a gas transporter, the state of the oil products market and the future of green energy were discussed. The issues of interaction between the state and business, the position of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on competition in the energy market of Ukraine, as well as the practice of the Supreme Court on disputes in the energy sector were also discussed.

Представники КНДІСЕ долучились до VI Ділового та юридичного форуму з питань енергетики

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