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Representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise joined the II Ukrainian Arbitration Forum

On December 3, 2021, the II Ukrainian Arbitration Forum took place in Kyiv. It was attended by the representatives of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise Oleksandr  Sadchenko, Head of the Laboratory of the organization of scientific, methodological activity, regulatory support and international cooperation and Oleg Baulin, Head of the Scientific Activity and International Cooperation Department. 

Representatives of international organizations, government agencies, private companies and law firms also took part in the event.

The speakers of the forum were the following:

  • Valeriia Kolomiets, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine for European Integration;
  • Anna Tyshchenko, Director of the International Disputes Department of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
  • Yaroslav Hrehirchak, Deputy Business Ombudsman of Ukraine;
  • Nataliia Sakara, Judge of the Civil Court of Cassation of the Supreme Court
  • Inna Yemelianova, Deputy Chairman of the ICAC at the CCI of Ukraine;
  • Olha Kostyshyna, Advisor to the Chairman of the ICAC at the CCI of Ukraine

Arbitration issues in the international, investment and commercial spheres were discussed during the forum. Issues of modernized arbitration regulations, simplification of procedural rules and acceleration of proceedings. Attention was also paid to modern tools of arbitration specialists, new formats of communication, digitalization and virtualization of arbitrations.

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