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Representatives of KFI took part in conducting the round table: “Investigation of fires: current state and development prospects”

Within the framework of the XVI International Exhibition Forum “Protection Technologies / PozhTech-2017” on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Civil Defense was held a round table “Investigation of fires: current state and development prospects “.

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise was presented by Oleksandr Shmereho, the Head of the Department for Labor Protection, Fire and Technical and Electrical Research.

The following reports were presented to the audience:

  • “The main provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated July 24, 2017 No. 621 “On the approval of the procedure for joint actions of the National Police of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during the inspection of the site of the fire, the identification, suppression, prevention and investigation of criminal crimes and other events related to fires “, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 14, 2017 under No. 998/30866″;
  • “Organization of the activities of divisions of territorial bodies of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Order No. 621 dated July 24, 2017”;
  • “On the results of the analysis of the implementation of the Resolution of the round table” “Current state and development prospects “- 2016”;
  • “Methods of investigation of fires that arise as a result of malfunction of gas vehicle equipment” ;
  • “Procedure for compiling a report on a fire study” ;
  • “Results of the investigation of the fire, which occurred on September 29, 2016 in the production building of shop number 2 of ZSE “ Kremniipolimer “, located at: Zaporizhzhia, Zavodskyi district, 7 Teplycchna Str. “;
  • “The results of the investigation of the fire study that occurred on March 29, 2017 in warehouses on the territory of LLC Miro-Mark, located at: Kalush, 2a P. Orlyk Str “.

After the speakers presented all the reports, the participants summed up the results of the round table, wished each other further professional development and successes.

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