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Psychophysiological examination using a polygraph

The use of a computerized polygraph during forensic psychological examinations is generally subordinated to the methodology of forensic activity and, in addition, uses its own scientifically based methods inherent only in this study.

The purpose of conducting psychological examinations using a computerized polygraph is to identify significant psychophysiological reactions of a person to the psychological stimulus presented to him, which allows to establish the level and psychological nature of awareness or awareness of a person in the content field of information patterns (attitudes) that he produces or reproduces, as well as to determine the psychological nature of a person’s presentation of information as a basis for further legal qualification.

According to the structure, the procedure for conducting a psychological examination using a polygraph consists of the following content modules:

– psychological analysis of the circumstances set forth in the framework of the proceedings (criminal, civil, etc.) and the issues put to the decision of the examination;

– preparation of a test questionnaire

– pre-test psychodiagnostics conversation;

– functional psychodiagnostics study (testing) using a polygraph;

– psychodiagnostics study of individual psychological characteristics of the sub-expert person;

– generalization of the results, summarizing and drawing up the conclusion.

Psychological examination using a polygraph is carried out exclusively with the voluntary consent of the sub-expert.

The object of psychological examinations using a computerized polygraph is a person as a carrier of psychophysiological manifestations of the course of mental processes of a person associated with the perception, preservation and subsequent reproduction by a person of information about any events or circumstances, as well as material carriers that reflect the functions of cognitive, volitional or emotional processes in the form of leading mental states of a person.

The generic object of functional psychodiagnostics studies using a computerized polygraph during psychological examinations is a person’s personality.

A special object of psychological examinations using a computerized polygraph is a person’s personal mnemic experience.

The subject of psychological examinations using a computerized polygraph is the psychophysiological reactions of a person (personality), manifested by him in response to psychological stimuli presented to him, reflecting the content of a specific information pattern (event, circumstances or their details).

The main tasks solved when conducting psychological research using a computerized polygraph within the framework of forensic psychological examinations:

– detection in the human mind of mnemic (ideal) traces indicating the presence of sensory experience of the individual regarding facts, circumstances and events that are subject to expert research;

– establishing the correspondence or inconsistency of the content part of the subjective reflection of the psychological attitudes of the individual with his existing sensory experience.

An indicative list of issues to be addressed when conducting psychological research using a computerized polygraph within the framework of psychological examinations:

– In the course of psychological research using a computerized polygraph, do a person have psychophysiological reactions indicating that …?

– Does the content of statements, testimonies or testimonies of a PERSON (that is, verbalized and recorded on tangible media reflections of psychological attitudes of a person) correspond to his existing sensory experience?