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Participation of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of forensic Expertise in the international research and practice conference “Ukrainian research area in the conditions of military intervention: adaptability and update of the technical and legal sciences”

On May 31, 2022, the international research and practice conference “Ukrainian research area in the conditions of military intervention: adaptability and update of the technical and legal sciences” took place online. The event was organized by the Faculty of Law at the Rīga Stradiņš University together with the National Aerospace University, Kharkiv Aviation Institute (Ukraine), the Yaroslav Mudryi National

Law University (Ukraine), and the RTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics (Latvia).

Mykola Nychyporuk, Rector of National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Dmytro Luchenko, Vice-Rector for Research at the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University, Oleksii Lytvynov, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs and other scientists took part in the conference. Agrita Kiopa, Vice-Rector for Research at Rīga Stradiņš University, Ilmārs Blumbergs, Riga Technical University, Vitalijs Rakstins, the University of Latvia and other scholars and practitioners were representatives from Latvia. The moderators of the event were Olena Agapova, Director of Innovation and Development Center of international, scientific, technology and educational cooperation National Aerospace University “KhAI” and Jānis Grasis, Dean of the Faculty of LawRīga Stradiņš University.

Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director, became the representative of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. She made a report on the topic “Forensic Problems and Challenges for Expertise in the War in Ukraine”.

The aim of the conference was to identify modern conceptual and strategic approaches and general administrative activities in the Ukrainian research sphere, which arose because of military intervention. One of the main tasks of the conference for participants is to stimulate the exchange of experience in legal policy development in Ukraine and Latvia. In their presentations, the representatives presented all the main aspects of practical and research activities, which, in turn, will promote academic exchange between specialists and scientists of both countries.

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