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Participation of KFI at the conference “The History and the Present of Forensic Education”

Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of KFI, paid a working visit State Forensic Examination Committee

of the Republic of Belarus and became a member of the international scientific and practical conference “The History and the Present of Forensic Expert Education”

The scientific event was dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the existence of the State Educational Institution Institute of Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus

The conference was attended by representatives of expert institutions and higher educational institutions of Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. In general, joint scientific work brought together more than 30 researchers, scientists, practitioners in the field of forensic examination.

Reports of the speakers were devoted to topical issues of modern education of the forensic expert industry, namely:

  • Training of forensic experts from different countries: history, current state, prospects of development;
  • Modern approaches to training forensic experts in the system of forensic expert institutions;
  • Formation of professional competence of future experts in obtaining basic education;
  • Forms of training of forensic experts in the post-Soviet area;
  • Actual issues of implementation of various types of forensic examinations;
  • Ways to improve the quality of training for forensic-expert institutions;
  • Improvement and development of forensic expert activity, etc.

Nataliia Nestor, Deputy Director of KFI, presented the participants a report on “Forensic-expert education in Ukraine: history and present times” stressing that the achievement of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is primarily based on 105 years of experience and predecessors. Specialists of all periods were united by the common goal of creating a sound scientific leverage in the establishment of truth in the case of justice.

Kyiv Institute was, is and always will be one of the forensic centers with a high level of general and specialized education, a powerful potential of the creative team. The future of the institute is to strengthen its decent position among the leading expert institutions, to deepen integration into the European and world scientific space, to constantly improve the level of scientific and expert research.

Summing up the work, the conference participants visited the exhibition of the departments of the Institute of Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus and thanked the organizers their desire to continue the relevant scientific cooperation.

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