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Our congratulations to Vinnytsia and Cherkasy Branches of KFI on its 21th anniversary!

The staff of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, headed by the director Oleksandr Ruvin, sincerely congratulates the specialists of Vinnytsia and Cherkasy Branches on the 20th anniversary of existence!

Since the moment of creation and for 21 years, the generations of branches’ employees at a high professional level have provided the needs of justice.

Viacheslav Krylovskyi, the Head of the Vinnytsia Branch of KFI and Antonina Yefimenko, the Head of the Cherkasy Branch of KFI are run the powerful teams that actively conduct research and expert activities, participate in Ukrainian and international conferences, briefings and round tables, use the best achievements of science and technology in forensic science, expert activity.

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on your anniversary! Forensic expert activity is invaluable for the development of our country. We wish you not to stop at the achieved, to follow high standards in your work and to develop successfully in accordance with the latest requirements of time. We wish you harmony, happiness and good health, creative inspiration and professional growth as well.

Good luck to you and your families!

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