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Oleksandr Shmereho, the expert the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, visited Sweden within the framework of the ENFSI international practical event

Oleksandr Shmereho, Head of the Department of Life Safety Research, Fire Engineering and Electrical Engineering Research of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, joined an international event organized by the leaders of the ENFSI Fire and Explosion Working Group (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes).

The event itself, during which a practical investigation of the fires was held, took place on November 23-25, 2021, ​​at the Fire Academy in Revinge, Sweden. 30 representatives of expert institutions from around the world, including the representatives of the European Union, and Israel took part.

In the theoretical part of the event, Oleksandr Shmereho presented a practical investigation of the fire of a DAF H4N3 car and the fire of a WTG 55 wind turbine in the Kherson region, Ukraine.

Also during the practical course, the issues of practical investigation of the fire scene were considered and worked out; the schedules of development and analysis of fire schemes were built. Practical investigations of the place of the fire were also carried out, conclusions were formulated after the inspection of the place of ignition, and the resistance of building structures to the spread of the fire was analyzed. In the end, the participants conducted a thematic study of ignition devices.

Such events bring together experts from all countries; provide an opportunity to share experiences and practices as well as to facilitate communication in conducting international comprehensive forensic examinations.

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