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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise wishes you a Happy New Year!

The end of a difficult year is approaching for Ukraine and all Ukrainians. 2022… Every Ukrainian will remember him exactly. We lived it in the struggle for freedom and truth. The war turned our lives upside down and changed the whole world around us and ourselves. Forced to rethink what is important and reject what has ceased to make sense. We have learned to cope, fight, and show flexibility even in seemingly hopeless situations. Feeling all the pain, horrors and despair of war, we have demonstrated to the whole world an example of resilience, courage and humanity.

At the end of the year, we traditionally take stock and make plans for the future. This year has become a difficult test for resilience for Ukrainians when every citizen makes his contribution to future victory. And although we meet the year 2023 with the russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine, despite all the difficulties of wartime, we have a special sense of unity, cohesion, and faith in our victory, which inspires and gives optimism.

The fact that today we can celebrate the New Year on our land, we are grateful first of all to the glorious Ukrainian soldiers. Those who are now in a cold winter trench and with a machine gun at the ready. We also thank the employees of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, who changed the usual work of a forensic expert and went to the front to defend the country from the enemy with weapons in their hands. Glory and praise to you, courageous, brave, brave warriors, who by their exploits prove that Ukraine was, Ukraine is and Ukraine should be.

Experts are now doing a very important job, day and night they record and establish the facts of Russian aggression. Every crime must be recorded and the perpetrator must be punished.

We sincerely wish that 2023 will be a year of good changes for us, the implementation of ideas, new opportunities and achievements, love and care of loved ones, smiles of friends and constancy of business partners; so that in the New Year you will do everything that you have been dreaming of for so long. And for our most important desire to come true – the victory of the Ukrainian people and the establishment of peace in our long-suffering land. Peace to our country, every family, peace to every home!

Happy New Year!

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