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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will host a seminar “The main tasks and issues which are solving by the specialty 10.20 “Land management research”. Development prospects”

On March 21, 2018 on the basis of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will be an interdepartmental scientific and practical seminar on the topic: “The main tasks and issues which are solving by the specialty 10.20 “Land management research” Development prospects.”

The program of the seminar provides an overview of current issues and prospects for the development of specialty 10.20 “Land management research”, the possibilities of its application in the modern criminal process and the practical aspects of the implementation of forensic examinations of the appropriate type.

In the agenda it will be also considered the land legislation of Ukraine and approaches to assessing the compliance of documentation on land management with the requirements of legislation.

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