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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise summed up the activities of the year 2018

Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is one of the most respected expert institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which plays an important role in forensic expertise of the bodies of inquiry, pre-trial and judicial investigation, protection of the rights of citizens and organizations, performing significant work on conducting forensic examinations research, the establishment of applied research in the field of methodological support.

One of the systematic stages of the Institute’s work is the annual summing up of activities. Thus, the next meeting of the team and reporting on the results of work for 2018 was held in Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

Priority directions of the activity of KFI were to establish new and improve existing methods and techniques aimed at increasing the level of expert research and expanding their capabilities, developing theoretical and general methodological problems of forensic examination, further developing methodological and preventive work to assist the courts, prosecutors bodies, internal affairs, tax authorities, the Security Service of Ukraine, lawyers and private entrepreneurs as well as ensuring the legitimate interests of citizens and organizations.

The Institute carried out activities that, in accordance with the statutory obligations, aimed at carrying out and improving the work in all areas of the institution’s activities: expert, research, analytical, methodical, informational and work on the training and advanced training of personnel.

Scheduled tasks have been generally fulfilled.

During the year 2018, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise and its regional branches carried out more than 50,000 forensic examinations. Forensic examinations were carried out on the materials of criminal proceedings and cases of administrative offenses in total, amounted to about 75% of the total.

Specialists of the Institute became participants in 98 scientific events, including national and international conferences, seminars, round tables, training and other events. Cooperation with expert institutions of Great Britain, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Georgia, Poland, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and a number of other countries was established and continued.

The material and technical base of the Laboratory of engineering and technical types of research and the Laboratory of Criminalistics has been significantly upgraded. The latter was recognized as the best Laboratory of KFI based on the results of the 2018 activity. Vinnytsia Branch was awarded as a best Branch of KFI. The winners received memorable souvenir awards.

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