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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates you on Easter!

Congratulations on the greatest holiday of the Resurrection of Christ!

This holiday from time immemorial symbolizes vitality, the triumph of truth and justice, encourages good deeds and deeds, awakens the desire to live according to conscience, and fills our souls with joy, hope for renewal and change for the better.

The Resurrection of Christ is a day of affirmation of Faith and special Hope, a day of witness to the victory of Love over death. For the second year in a row, Ukraine celebrates Easter in times of difficult trials – times in which loyalty to one’s Motherland, God, and duty is tested.

Christ, through His Resurrection, proved that the greatest difficulties, the most severe troubles that befall our lot, can and will be defeated! This is especially important to remember in times of difficult trials, which, unfortunately, today are experienced by all Ukrainian people.

Today we all need to persevere, giving each other a hand and lending a helping hand. Everyone in his place can and should take at least small steps so that our unity becomes a testimony of love, support and sacrifice for the sake of our neighbour and directs us to victory.

On this great day of the Resurrection of Christ, we want to wish you to feel the truthfulness of the victory of good over evil, life over death, joy over sadness, love over hatred, faith over the disappointment, Ukraine over the Russian invader!

We sincerely wish us all that the sun of Victory and Peace rises over Ukraine!!!

Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!

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