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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine!

On March 26, 2022, the 31st day of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Day of the National Guard of Ukraine is celebrated. It is a holiday for the National Guard, daily defending the rights lives of Ukrainians, the legitimate interests of the state and society.

The National Guard of Ukraine as an independent power structure existed from 1991 to 2000, then it was disbanded. The formation was resumed in 2014 after Russia’s occupation of Crimea and the beginning of aggravation of the situation in Donbas.

In 2015, the National Guard of Ukraine received its national holiday, appointed by the Decree of the President of Ukraine on March 26.

Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine have sacred words that convincingly define the role and purpose of the national army, to serve the Ukrainian people. At a crucial time, the people always look with special attention to their defenders, for whom serving the people is the highest honor, vocation, duty. The strength and power of the Ukrainian state are in the unity of the army and the people.

We wish you good health, success in military training, peace, and harmony in every family, strength, and inexhaustible vital energy for the successful fulfillment of honorable duty to Ukraine!

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