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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Armed Forces Day is celebrated in Ukraine every year on December 6.

This year’s Armed Forces Day is being celebrated in Ukraine under special conditions, when thousands of officers and soldiers, among them forensic experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, are heroically defending our Motherland, national security, and our lives, risking their lives.

It is at this difficult time that we clearly realize that a strong state begins with a strong army. Our powerful army has already proved to the whole world that it is national pride, which skillfully opposes the Russian aggressor while demonstrating its best features – indomitable will, endurance, intelligence, courage, and perseverance. On the day of their professional holiday, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to fulfill their most important mission — defending the freedom and sovereignty of the state from the Russian aggressor.

We are grateful to you, our defenders, for the saved lives, and for the opportunity to work for the benefit and welfare of our state.

On this day, we also bow our heads to the memory of the heroes who gave their lives to Ukraine. Their feat will live forever and serve as an example of honest and selfless service to the Motherland.

We are convinced that the victory will definitely be ours. Ukraine will win in all confrontations because it has the strength of the unconquered. Your steadfastness, endurance, and selfless service to the Ukrainian people are worthy of imitation by future generations. After all, the slogan engraved in hearts is “For Ukraine, for her will!” inspires you to glorious military feats and new achievements in your noble cause – to serve the Ukrainian people!

We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, unbreakable faith, and victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

Glory to heroes!

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