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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Independence Day of Ukraine

On August 24 of each year, Ukraine celebrates its most important national day – Independence Day. This event unites all citizens of the country and marks an important moment when Ukraine became a sovereign and independent state.

Since 1991, when independence was declared, Ukraine has passed a difficult road of formation as an independent country. It was not an easy path of trials for the nation, but Ukrainians showed incredible strength, dignity and faith in the future.

This year’s celebration of Independence Day has a special meaning. Ukraine continues to fight for its territorial integrity and sovereignty in the context of geopolitical challenges. The dignity and courage of our frontline defenders, embodying the spirit of invincibility, deserve our deepest gratitude. The courage of the Ukrainian people has become a source of inspiration for the whole world. The courage and steadfastness of our soldiers brought a new ray of hope, proving that justice has not yet left our cynical world forever. And in this struggle, it is not forcing that wins, but the principles of justice and truth.

In one year and eight months of war with the russian aggressor, we have all gone through changes. We have made our choice as a person, citizens of Ukraine. And the new nation was not born on February 24, 2022, it was reborn. We are a nation that was not afraid, did not cry and did not run away, because our land is important to us. We will fight for it to the end. We have experienced a lot and firmly believe in Victory. And we will definitely get it! After all, only the brave win and defend their independence, those who value freedom always win.

On the occasion of Independence Day, the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates all citizens of Ukraine on this significant holiday. May pride in our country always warm the hearts of Ukrainians, and let our independence remain an integral part of our identity.

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