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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Day of Lawyer!

The professional holiday of lawyers has been celebrated in Ukraine since 1997. It was established by a presidential decree “On the Day of Lawyers”. It is believed that it was on October 8, 1016, that Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kyiv issued the first code of laws, Russkaya Pravda.

Lawyers believe that everything is good with the state if its main law, the Constitution, does not restrict the rights and freedoms of citizens but, on the contrary, increases the scope of these freedoms. And the task of lawyers is to serve the law and defend these rights and freedoms.

Dear lawyers! On the occasion of the holiday that symbolizes your important and honorable profession, the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise sincerely congratulates you on the Day of Lawyer! Victory!

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