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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Day of Dignity and Freedom!

On November 21, Ukraine celebrates a national holiday – the Day of Dignity and Freedom. The holiday was initiated by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated November 13, 2014.

But first of all, it is a day of commemoration of those events in the history of modern Ukraine that changed the lives of many Ukrainians, their vision of the world, their country and themselves. A holiday that shows that for us, dignity and freedom are aspirations above all else. This is our air. That’s why we are free. Free to create the future.

Every year on this day, all of Ukraine bows its heads and honours the bright memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred who gave their lives for justice and the desire to live in a European country. And unfortunately, this year, more than ever before, we once again must stand up for and pay a heavy price for our freedom. After all, our defenders show us again and again that it is necessary to be worthy and not to give up. Because Ukrainians are not used to surrendering. Because they have dignity. And therefore – freedom! We will never forget all those who gave and are giving their lives for Ukraine. And we will not forgive those who took their lives and wanted to take away our freedom.

We sincerely congratulate the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise staff on the Day of Dignity and Freedom, we wish everyone a speedy victory and peace, harmony, and unshakable faith. We will be able to do everything, as one great nation, for the sake of the prosperity of our native Ukraine and the elevation of the well-being of all Ukrainians, in the name of a happy future for our younger generation.

We will overcome everything! We will survive everything! We will win!

Glory to Ukraine!

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