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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates on the Day of Defenders and Defendresses of Ukraine

On October 14, 2021, Ukraine celebrates a triple holiday. This is the Day of Defenders and Defendresses of Ukraine, the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks and the Protection of the Blessed Virgin.

On the holidays, congratulations to all who hold the high title of defender of Ukraine! You have proved that you are worthy descendants of the Ukrainian Cossacks. We sincerely wish you good health, an indomitable spirit and a peaceful sky! Let the service be calm, peaceful, and life bright, long, and warm, cosy and loving in the house. Honour and glory to the defenders of the Fatherland!

We also cordially congratulate everyone on a special day for Ukrainians, the feast of the Holy Intercession, the only religious holiday that is both national, patriotic and state. In today’s difficult circumstances of the life of the Ukrainian people, we ask the Holy Mother for her Protection over us. We wish all of us Cossack deeds, victory and deep spirituality. Let the desire to defend their will and independence continue to be an indispensable feature of Ukrainians.

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