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Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Statehood!

On July 28, on the Day of Baptism of Kyivan Rus, Ukraine celebrates for the first time a national holiday – the Day of Ukrainian Statehood. The decree approving the Day of Statehood was signed by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the Independence Day celebrations on August 24, 2021. But the fate of our people fell so that for the first time we celebrated this holiday during the cruel war of Ukraine with the Russian aggressor.

Even though the sixth month of the war is underway, after eight years of war in Donbas, the Ukrainian people cannot be broken. Those milestones of history that the Ukrainian people have experienced, what centuries of struggle have taught us, once again tell us that Ukrainians will never give up their independence.  Ukrainian soldiers still prove it on the battlefield, we hear and see examples of indestructibility and courage more than once, as it was hundreds of years ago.

The Day of Ukrainian Statehood should establish the connection of Ukrainians living now with many previous generations of our people.  We must maintain unity, work together for victory and be steadfast in the belief that victory will be for Ukrainians, for Ukraine!

The staff of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise congratulates compatriots on the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, is grateful to all the defenders who stood up for our state and is convinced that everything could not be done by the previous generations, will be able to make Ukrainian people now.

We are strong! We are free! We will win! Glory to Ukraine!

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