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KFI’s expert became a participant of the ENFSI road accident analysis working group meeting 2018

Pavlo Borshchevskyi, Head of the Department of Road and Technical Research of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, became a participant of the ENFSI road accident analysis working group meeting 2018.

The event was held in the city of Bilbao in the north of Spain, in the Basque Country, under the slogan “New technologies and the future of traffic accident research”.

The ENFSI Accident Analysis Working Group has been in existence for over 20 years. The first meeting of the Group, which was attended by representatives of 8 expert institutions, took place on October 24, 1998 in the city of Zakopane, Poland. Now the meeting brought together representatives of more than 40 expert institutions.

The first working day of the meeting was built in the form of speeches by speakers who presented reports on the following topics:

  • “Application of new technologies in road traffic accident scene investigation” (Berislav Barišić-Jaman, M. Eng. Head Expert for Road Accident Analysis from the Forensic Science Centre Ivan Vučetić. Zagreb (Croatia);
  • “Competencies of Road accident experts” (Lina Lazarenko, Head of the Technical Examination Department. Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania. Vilnius. (Lithuania);
  • “Reconstruction methods used in underride accidents – Real cases and discussion: The FE- method” (Jakub Zębala. From the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow (Poland);
  • “The Future of Forensic Scene and Solutions for Forensic Services” (Ivan Macella. Account Manager Italia, Spain and Portugal Public Safety and Forensics for FARO Europe) etc.

After each report, the participants of the seminar held discussions on the topic covered, had the opportunity to express their own opinions on the subject and to share practical experience on the issues discussed.

The second working day was devoted to two key topics, namely, the practical issues of representatives of private companies and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the course of the investigation of road accidents.

The participants of the working group got acquainted with the experience of the Basque police in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and their introduction into the work; saw a practical demonstration of the ways of working, discussed the existing issues and made general recommendations on how to solve them.

In general, the meeting was very active and productive, showed a high interest and willingness of representatives of various expert institutions to cooperate in efforts to solve problematic issues, developing international cooperation and the great prospects for such cooperation.

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