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KFI took part in the international training on investigation of explosions and bombs in Budapest (Hungary)

On November 13-17, 2023, an international training on “Explosive and Bomb Investigation” was held in Budapest (Hungary), organized by the European Commission and the member states of the Central European CBRN-E Training Center (CE CBRN-E TC).

The event was attended by the European Counter-Terrorism Center (ECTC Europol), the National Explosive Ordnance Data Center (UK), representatives of international expert institutions, as well as Oleksii Kuzmenko and Volodymyr Babenko, Chief Forensic Experts of the Department of Explosive Research and Research on Missiles and Artillery Weapons of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The theoretical part of the training was performed by presentations on the concept of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear defense (CBRN) and improvised explosive devices; on the investigation by the British special services of the Skripal poisoning case in 2018; on the investigation of the incident with the radioisotope thermoelectric generator in Georgia in 2002; on the procedure for investigating the consequences of the explosion of improvised explosive devices in conditions of chemical, biological, radiological contamination, etc.

To consolidate the theoretical part, the participants of the training event were demonstrated how to inspect the area and the consequences of an improvised explosive device explosion in a protective suit under various types of contamination (chemical, biological, radiological) and check for explosive objects; how to draw up plans and diagrams, seize objects of investigation; how to conduct an X-ray examination of an improvised explosive device and its destruction with a water cannon.

The material and technical base of the training center was also demonstrated: special vehicles for controlling chemical, biological, radiological contamination of the scene; demining equipment, kits and suits; protective suits and gas masks; devices and equipment for controlling chemical, biological, radiological contamination; robotic mechanisms for remote demining and robotic mechanisms for reconnaissance of chemical, biological, radiological contamination of the scene and taking soil and air samples; X-ray equipment for studying improvised explosive devices.

During the training, the experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise gained theoretical knowledge and practical skills of actions of explosive investigators when inspecting the scene after the explosion of improvised explosive devices in normal conditions and in conditions of chemical, biological, radiological contamination.

The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise continues to carry out high-level international activities to develop forensic expertise in Ukraine, improve the quality of forensic expertise and intensify the participation of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise employees in the most powerful events in the world.

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