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International interdepartmental seminar “Modern Methods of Personality Identification by Appearance”

The International Interdepartmental Seminar “Modern Methods of Person Identification Appearance” was held at Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

The event was attended by representatives of the Department of Special Investigations of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, the Anti-Terrorist Center of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Main Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Main Military Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and other specialized departments, colleagues from the forensic science research institutes of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and foreign guests.

Olexander Ruvin, the director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise started the meeting with the welcome speech and outlined the relevance of the topic and the work of the institute in developing relevant types of expert studies.

The growing role of the Internet and social networks makes it possible to receive a huge flow of information that affects the daily lives of people. Increasingly, visual information, sometimes obtained from free sources, becomes the evidence base for litigation. At the same time, today there is no single integration platform that would combine the efforts of investigators, operational staff and experts within the framework of a single methodological direction of work with large volumes of these data. A person is sometimes physically unable to cope with the analysis, viewing, processing the mass of available photos and video materials.

Lecturers presented to the seminar’s participants reports on the growth of information volumes and problems arising in the process of its processing; the emergence of possible issues related to the active dissemination of visual information; prevention of leakage of confidential information and investigation of such cases; methods of research and control of visual information in forensic computer and technical expertise, search and comparison technologies for visual data, and much more.

Lecturers presented to the seminar’s participants reports on the growth of information volumes and problems arising in the of its processing; the emergence of possible issues related to the active dissemination of visual information; prevention of leakage of confidential information and investigation.

“The security of people and countries is currently under real threat, since a person is physically unable to analyze the entire flow of available information. The European hardware and software system presented by us allow analyzing streaming video and photo archives from various information bases many times faster, without attracting a large number of employees to find the matches, subjects and people in on-line mode,” said Denys Lypen, the speaker from Minsk, the expert of computer-technical research.

During the seminar, Yevhen Tymko, the Head of the Department of phonoscopy, computer research and telecommunications research, talked about the basic methods of obtaining (extracting) information from electronic devices and modern tools for improving the existing images.

The theoretical part of the meeting was supplemented by practice.

“In the course of the seminar, we have made a series of photos and recorded video, loaded them into the demo version of the hardware and software complex and showed its practical possibilities: how the search is performed and on what key points the program works. This is a practical cognitive process, without which we cannot do without. Sooner or later we have to come to the appropriate way of automation,” said co-organizer of the seminar, representative of the company “Prime C & T” Ruslan Shman.

At the end, all participants received the certificates of the seminar participants and determined the topics for future directions of work in such a format.

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