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Experts of the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise held a practical seminar on the basis of the Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor’s Office

Specialists of the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducted a scientific and practical seminar on the basis of the Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

The meeting was organized to discuss topical issues of the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations within the framework of the investigation of criminal proceedings.

The heads of local prosecutor’s offices, their first deputies, prosecutors of local prosecutor’s offices, experts of the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise were the participants of this seminar.

Speakers outlined their vision of the issues of the organization and conduct of a forensic examination which are being solved when conducting engineering, environmental, construction, technical, land-technical and commodity-based research.

To the participants was presented a report by Oleh Uminskyi, Head of the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise on the following topic “Organizing forensic examinations in the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise. The main types of examinations that are carried out in Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise: problematic issues arising from the appointment and conducting of forensic examinations in the Zhytomyr Branch of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

Reports on the specifics, issues, new opportunities and approaches for conducting forensic examinations on specific expert specialties were presented by:

  • Yurii Okocha, senior forensic expert of commodity and auto-technical examinations;
  • Pavlo Vozniuk, forensic expert of environmental examinations;
  • Yurii Revutskyi, forensic expert of land-technical examinations;
  • Iryna Kovalchuk, forensic expert of construction, technical and construction and construction assessment examinations.

The second part of the seminar was held in the form of an open dialogue between participants and speakers, issues were discussed during the presentations, and an exchange of views and experiences took place as well.

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