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Experts of the Psychological Research Department of KFI continue to develop communication with media representatives

In 2018 Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise will celebrate its 105th anniversary. Throughout the history of the Institution, forensic experts on a high professional level conduct research in the field of science, technology, art, craft, objects and phenomena, that today concern almost all spheres of life of citizens.

Interacting with media representatives helps to inform the public about the peculiarities and importance of conducting forensic examinations and expert studies.

Yurii Irkhin, the Head of the Psychological Research Department of KFI, met with a special correspondent of the all-Ukrainian social and political newspaper “Segodnya” to tell about his expert practice and peculiarities of conducting interesting and unusual examinations.

During the interview, the expert-psychologist of KFI noted that today forensic experts conduct more than 30 types of subject-matter expertise, ranging from moral damage and its equivalent in monetary terms to psycholinguistic studies for the content of speeches, statements, including threats.

Yurii Irkhin also spoke as a speaker of the short documentary film “The Ukrainian sensations” on the “1 + 1” TV channel. The expert of KFI helped the journalists to analyze the psychological characteristics of maniacs (people who are suffering from psychological diseases or covered by certain mania). The program will be broadcast on February 17, 2018.

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