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Experts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine are completing an inspection of damaged settlements in the Kyiv region due to the actions of the troops of the Russian Federation

On April 2, 2022, the Kyiv region was liberated from Russian troops. After the retreat, the Russian military left behind large-scale destruction of movable and immovable property. Judicial experts from forensic institutions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, including experts from the Center for the Prevention of Corruption, were involved in the recording of evidence. To date, the recording of evidence is in its final stages.

Comment for the only telethon “UA together” on the work of forensic experts in the Kyiv region provided Nataliia Tkachenko, Director of the Department of Expert Support of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine:

“Experts of the Ministry of Justice have almost completed the inspection of all damaged settlements of Kyiv region, recorded and described all the damage caused to movable and immovable property of citizens. In the future, the analysis of these data will be carried out, research and determination in the final result of the full cost of the damage.

Currently, several information resources have been created in Ukraine, where you can provide information about damaged or destroyed property, injuries, and loss of relatives and loved ones. A Central Register of Damaged/Lost Property is also being set up at the state level”.

It should be noted that the work carried out by forensic experts directly on the scene is, first of all, fixing the damage to law enforcement agencies and further forensic examinations.

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