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Experts of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise were speakers of a scientific event based on the Prosecutors Training Center of Ukraine

On September 29-30, 2020, at the invitation of the Prosecutors Training Center of Ukraine, specialists from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took part in the training “Features of the organization of procedural guidance and maintenance of public prosecution in criminal proceedings in the field of child protection. Practical aspects of preparation for the appointment of forensic examinations”.

Olha Lukova, Head of the Economic Research Laboratory and Roman Pasko, Head of the Engineering and Technical Research Laboratory at the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise held thematic lectures on the following topics:

• “Features of the organization of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses on the facts of misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property through abuse of office in the construction of educational institutions”;

• “Forensic examinations in criminal proceedings on the facts of misappropriation, embezzlement of property or taking possession of it through abuse of office in the construction of educational institutions: construction-technical and economic examination”.

After the presentation of the reports, the participants had the opportunity to ask the experts clarifying questions and to consolidate the acquired knowledge in practice by working in small groups: problematic issues were analyzed and cases for their solution were discussed, taking into account the existing judicial practice.

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